Dreamtime 2: Mr. Fixer

The man came into town to show them all how it was done. He checked into a small motel at the edge of town and went to the little bar across the road. Three men were waiting for him. They wanted to be his buddies. They went to a room in the back of the bar and took some drugs. The three men turned into albino beasts like bull-bear-cats. They slipped and slid over the slick linoleum of the room and out into a yard where it was always a moonlit night. They made patterns of elegance as they ran around and across the dark glowing yard.

The man went back to his room to get some rest. He still had to get up early to show them how it was done and then head back to his life, back home. In the silence of his room he was afraid. That flesh-locked sea of silence surrounded him.

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